Did you know that for 13 years, from 1967 to 1980, Jehova’switnesses were told by there leaders (the faithful and discreet slave) Not to accept organ transplant and Those who submit to such operations were violating god’s law?
Here is the evidence !
Watchtower November 15, 1967
Questions from Readers
Is there any Scriptural objection to donating one’s body for use in medical research or to accepting organs for transplant from such a source?—W. L., U.S.A.
.....When there is a diseased or defective organ, the usual way health is restored is by taking in nutrients. The body uses the food eaten to repair or heal the organ, gradually replacing the cells. When men of science conclude that this normal process will no longer work and they suggest removing the organ and replacing it directly with an organ from another human, this is simply a shortcut. Those who submit to such operations are thus living off the flesh of another human. That is cannibalistic.....
Awake!, June 8 1968, Page 21
Awake!, June 8 1968, Page 21
“Christian witnesses of Jehovah... consider all transplants between humans as cannibalism.”
Awake!, July 8 1972, page 28
And here again, it might be noted, that the stand of the Christian witnesses of Jehovah—that such transplants are in effect a form of cannibalism—proved a safeguard......
Then in 1980 the Leaders (the faithful and discreet slave) changed there minds!
Watchtower March 15, 1980,
Questions from Readers
Should congregation action be taken if a baptized Christian accepts a human organ transplant, such as of a cornea or a kidney?
Regarding the transplantation of human tissue or bone from one human to another, this is a matter for conscientious decision by each one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Some Christians might feel that taking into their bodies any tissue or body part from another human is cannibalistic......
Other sincere Christians today may feel that the Bible does not definitely rule out medical transplants of human organs. While the Bible specifically forbids consuming blood, there is no Biblical command pointedly forbidding the taking in of other human tissue.
Hello and peace of God.
ReplyDeleteI need this information for a book "Istenem, de miért?" (My God, but why?). A book about Jw's blood transfusion policy. A book about a Jw's family, who lose their 6 years girl. I need some help, so I beg all readers to give this information to others.
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Istenem, de miért?