The watchtower organization twists the meaning of 1 john 2 :19 - 2 John 1: 10 to shun completely former members,and keep loyal members away from them.
The original meaning: 1 john 2 :19 They left us, because they weren’t like us(Christians); for if they had been like us, they would still be with us(Christians). But [they left], which is proof that they aren’t like us.
Watchtower’s twisted interpretation : 1 john 2: 19 They left ((The organization)), because they weren’t like us; for if they had been like us, they would still be ((In the organization)). But [they left], which is proof that they aren’t like us.
2 John 1: 10 Now, if anyone comes to you and doesn’t bring this teaching (that Jesus the Anointed One came in the flesh)don’t welcome him into your homes or even greet him; because, those who greet him share in the wicked things that he’s doing.
Watchtower’s twisted interpretation: 2 John 1: 10 Now, if anyone comes to you and doesn’t bring ((The organization’s teachings)), don’t welcome him into your homes or even greet him; because, those who greet him share in the wicked things that he’s doing.
Thanks to these twisted interpretations above, myself and many others are no longer welcomed in homes of family members and friends nor greeted, for the reason that we left the watchtower organization and no longer support it’s teachings.